Representation Matters. Opportunity Matters.

Our kids deserve better.
We help Black and Latino community members become civic and political education leaders.

Illustration of couple representing online dating

Our Impact

Since our launch in 2018, 210 leaders have graduated from our program and are now making change in their communities. Our alumni work to close education gaps by serving in elected office, leading community organizations, and steering Boards of Directors.

By the numbers

serve in community leadership positions like working on non-profit Boards of Directors
campaign for political office

Alumni Stories

Leaders of Color alumni lead political and civic change to improve outcomes for our children.

Our Program

We work to support community leaders with the tools, network, and knowledge they need so they can become powerful political and civic leaders in their communities. Find out how we do it.


Our intensive training program equips our fellows with the skills, knowledge, and network to become political and civic engagement leaders.


We support our alumni with personalized coaching to achieve their defined goals and create tangible results in their communities.


We work to build connections in Black and Latino communities to increase power and build networks of change.

Where We Are

In 2018, Leaders of Color Memphis launched with a cohort of 15 community-based leaders. Leaders of Color New York launched in April 2020, with an inaugural cohort of 12 aspiring community education leaders, followed quickly by the launch of Leaders of Color New Orleans in June 2020 with 22 fellows. In 2022, our program expanded from New Orleans to the entire state of Louisiana, and to Washington D.C. Since 2018, 210 Black and Latino leaders have graduated from our program.
Our goal is to train 500 leaders across the U.S. by 2027. 

The outline of the city of Memphis in blue
The outline of the city of Louisiana in blue
The outline of the city of New York in blue
New York
Washington DC state icon in blue
Washington D.C.

Ready To Join Leaders Of Color?

Contact us today to learn how you can be part of our next cohorts in Louisiana, Memphis, New York, or
Washington, D.C.!

Ohilda Headshot image

Support Leaders of Color today!

Your donation supports our work to build and support Black and Latino community leaders in Louisiana, Memphis, New York, and Washington, D.C.

A beautiful smiling woman holds her hand on her chin. A female posing to the camera. 
A female presiding over a business meeting.

Stay connected with our work!

Our monthly newsletter provides a snapshot of our work to build Black and Latino civic engagement and political power in our communities.